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wAwB wCwD wEwF wGwH wIwJ wKwL wMwN wOwP wQwR wSwT wUwV wWwX wYwZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
WELBRO'S best wishes 2
wit 9
witch stars & arc 7, 11
with herbs gutkha +stars 34
A ADARO mirrors with art 20
ABHILASHA academy with supe 41
AIRTEL TANGO are you with i 9
AJANTA +lady with flower 30
ALFA carpets made with care 27
ARPAN ride with pride +hand 12
ASTRON join hands with +sta 9
AYURMANA healing with natur 29
BEDFORD +dragon with flag 12
BEHR premium PLUS with styl 2
BEHR premium plus with styl 2
BIOCON working with nature 29
BROSHCO +women with brush 21
CHOTIWALLA +man with baloon 30
CON FRESH purity with surit 30
COTFUR comfort with eleganc 24
DAM with lemon 3
DDP chamak with detergent 3
DENAP comfort with style 25
DEW DROPS say it with flowe 31
DIABIND with gold 5
EKAANI oneness with god 16
ENARAF more miles with smil 12
EXCITOR with kcr gold capsu 5
GEE PEE always with you 3, 9
GEMINI +boys with bruggles 34
GEO-bond bond with the best 1
GILFER iron with protein 30
GREEN LAM with metashield 17
HANUMAN +hanuman with hill 29
I CHIBAN forever with you 21
ICHIBAN forever with you 7, 9
JAGDISH +man with rod 34
JAIN AMAR +lion with flag 25
JO herbal with glycerine 3
JO lime with glycerine 3
JORDAN BLUE gin with lime 33
K.B. +cow with face of girl 31
KHALIS +tiger with wings 16
KISAN CHHAP +man with baske 34
KMD brand +cow with wings 30
KSH be safe with us +arc 10
KUMAR KALYAN RAS with gold 5
LAZURE with pure saffron 3
LIBERTY share with pride 29
LUV N care made with love 12
MAKHAN CHOR +child with pot 30
MAX with coconut oil 3
MEHTA copper with steel 21
MONARK shine with health 29
NAVARATNA +boy with diamond 14
NEROCEM +tiger with brush 2
NIVA drink with pride 32
OXYGEN products with purpos 9
PAPPU +bear with brush 2
PARADISE gin with lime 33
PATTA CHHAP +man with leave 34
PINAK zarda with chuna +ova 34
PRIYANKA ply with scotec te 19
RUUKKI more with metals 6, 7, 37
SAI ADDS truss with people' 35
SAROJA BRAND +lady with pot 30
SMILE with confidence +lips 3, 10
SONKA fun with paper 16
STUBBORN born with attitude 25
SUNWELL star ahead with 16
THE RYOT rooted with trust 44
TRIM with taste 29, 30
TURBASU'S chow with masala 30
TURBOJET diesel with energy 4
U grow with us +plant 7
VAUXHALL +dragon with flag 12
VIM with lemon 3
VIVELON +woman with bow 3
WEIKFIELD +man with crown 32
WWC walk with comfort 25
X & O play with style 25
a always with the future 35
animal with wings 26
b be brainy with BRAINEE 28
be sure with VIDYALANKAR 41
bond with the best +sheep 18
boy with brush & drums 2
boy with hammer 6
cartoon with scales 42
cartoon of man with hooka 34
cartoon of rabbit with cloc 25
cartoon of woman with mask 25
celebrate with pride +arcs 16
chick with stick & bag 30
circle with coloured stripe 16
d DION harmony with nature 3
dog with nail 9
duck with brush 2
dydo CAFELATTE with espress 30
egg with stripe 31
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